A blog post by Mary Moscarello. To read all of Mary’s posts, click here
I heard something this week and it STUCK.
It wasn’t something I would have predicted I’d remember. But you know how things pop in your head and stick? Whether sparked by your own thoughts or the thing someone else says, these sticky things?
I have one.
A student of yoga told a group of teachers and me when we gathered online at the invitation of the lovely Nic Watson, that she was so grateful that the teachers keep showing up for virtual classes.
This knocked me down as if someone pushed me. (but in a good way)
I literally gasped in spite of having myself muted at the idea that somehow I (as a teacher) deserved this expression of gratitude. I mean I took her seriously and was moved, but all this time I’ve been really impressed by the yogis that keep to their practice in spite of everything. I know how hard it can be, whether you’re a teacher or not, to be disciplined to something. Anything!
Yet she was so profound.
We keep showing up.
DO NOT see the above as another round of applause request. REALLY.
Showing up can mean different things from person to person. Maybe you meditated today and have a spotless sink, you’re ahead of deadline and your dryer’s not broken.
Or you’re like me with a half-completed meditation 21-day podcast (never got past day 13), the sink is full, you have 15 unanswered emails and your entire legging wardrobe is drip-drying in the basement. Not to mention the migraine I woke up with and a general sense of worry about family I love that is so far away. You know that feeling?
Sure you do, because this is the 145th day of Marpril in the year of 2020.
Still, I managed to show up. Which means I did gather a group of friends via this miraculous technology that rhymes with broom for no other reason than to move and breathe in harmony as if our energy (all female/feminine) could somehow offer healing with the power of its collective force. .
I did show up to my family, making breakfast through the post migraine cloud. Pain in the temple, but you can still see and feel.
And I did the best I could all day. I showed up. I showed up in the way I could and sometimes that’s enough.
As long as you show up for yourself.
How are you showing up for yourself this May. It will be May 1 when I publish this – so we have a new month. What will you do that shows up for you? If you’re still looking for something, I have a suggestion. Focus on what matters. Just the act of figuring out what that is for you accomplishes something amazing for your well being.
Whatever you choose, as long as you show up, you’ll succeed.
Your Post really Answered some hankering inside me I couldn’t put into words. When I’m feeling exhausted mentally & emotionally – I take a nap or try to read something inspiring in Ancient Writings; I’ll make a cup of tea or coffee (sometimes it requires a little zap too;-) And I was thinking – Today was a good day! I did what I could. I contributed in two Internet meetings – usually I just listen – I called two friends – Shared what I learned on those mtgs. Because sharing is caring! I’m learning to unlock my potential & help others unlock theirs too – and that means something to me;-)