How many times in my life have I uttered the title of this post? Balance is a moving target. I say it all. the. time. If I had a nickel. The idea of balance can change depending on the person seeking it, what they want from equanimity (which implies a hierarchy of needs) Balancing in […]
A blog post by Mary Moscarello. Photos by Mary Moscarello. We made it to October – just a couple days left in this month. I must apologize for my unplanned hiatus from writing on this blog. I’ve missed writing here and sharing my thoughts with my teeny tiny readership. What kept me away, I can’t […]
On memory loss, follow the dog’s lead
A blog post by Mary Moscarello. Photos by Mary Moscarello. Are you at “gotta write it down now or I’ll forget” age? Then come sit by me, I’ve been here a while. I can show you where we hide the good cookies. I had to come write this post just minutes before I teach class because […]
Knowing him energetically

by Mary Moscarello. Photo credit: Mary Moscarello. Banner image by Photo by Natalya Letunova on Unsplash I have never seen “Enter the Dragon” in its entirety. What I have seen and pretty much committed to memory is that jaw-dropping scene from the 1972 film where an almost unbelievably fit, Bruce Lee flexes before fighting Chuck Norris. Lee’s […]